Members of Write Right

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Mohammad Khaled Feizi


Nezameddin Kharazmi


Maryam Abdollahi


Zohreh Namini


Farahnaz Mohammadi


Video Album

Photo Album

We would like to share each moment with you.

Write Right in Finland

First presentation

Write Right and kids

First presentation

Write Right and kids

First presentation

First presentation

Write Right and kids

Write Right and kids

Write Right and kids

Write Right in Finland

Write Right in Finland

Write Right in Finland

Meeting with parents

Meeting with parents

Meeting with parents

Meeting with parents

Vision and mission

Welcome to our digital information

These terms and conditions outline the regulations for utilizing the network, which are accessible through various means and serve to govern the activities of visitors on our website.

By accessing our site at, you agree to abide by these terms of use in their entirety. If you do not fully and unequivocally accept our terms of use, it is required to discontinue receiving services from our website and other platforms. Your interaction signifies that you are knowledgeable about and consent to all the stipulations presented below in these terms and conditions.

·         Our supplied products are exclusively for personal use and are not intended for commercial, educational, or occupational purposes.

·         Any advertisement of our services or products without prior authorization is prohibited.

·         Write Right holds no liability for errors or inaccuracies in online payments and purchases.

·         Discounts on Write Right products are solely as displayed on the website.

·         As a customer at Write Right, your data is processed when you engage in purchasing on our website, utilize our support, visit our site, or otherwise reach out to us.

·         As a subscriber at Write Right, personal data concerning you is processed from your end.

·         Write Right also gathers and updates address information upon request for services requiring such details, like shipping.

Regardless of how you access the network, compliance with our privacy and policy regulations is your responsibility. Should you encounter any offensive or legally sensitive content within our content, please feel free to reach out to inform us. While we aim to remove such data, we are not obligated to do so or provide direct responses.

Write Right is a licensed website, and all rights, including intellectual property rights over materials and products, are reserved and attributed to its licensor. Furthermore, you are prohibited from:

·         Republishing data, content, files, images, etc., from Write Right

·         Selling, renting, sublicensing, duplicating, or reproducing any material from Write Right

·         Copying material or information from Write Right

These terms are generated from the Terms and Conditions Generator. Visitors to the website may have the opportunity to post dates and information. Write Right refrains from editing, altering, reviewing, or filtering comments from visitors. Write Right reserves the prerogative to monitor, delete, or address comments perceived as offensive or in violation of the terms and conditions. Write Right disavows responsibility for content on external websites and requires your commitment to defending us against emerging claims on your website.

Absolutely no links should appear on any website that could be construed as defamatory, obscene, criminal, infringing, or otherwise contravening or advocating the violation of any third-party rights. Write Right uses cookies on its website, with your consent as per our privacy and policy regulations. These cookies facilitate certain site functionalities and enhance visitor accessibility.

Certain affiliate/advertising partners may also deploy cookies. Write Right retains the right to modify this Integrity Policy at any time. In the event of substantial changes to the Integrity Policy, Write Right will communicate this with reasonable notice on its website or via email to you. Upon request or at its initiative, Write Right will rectify, delete, disassociate, or supplement your data if found to be incorrect, incomplete, or misleading. As a data subject, you possess the right to:

·         Access your data.

·         Request a filing extract or a copy of all personal data being processed by Write Right concerning you.

This right can be exercised at any time through a written and signed request. You can rectify your data by requesting Write Right to promptly correct any incorrect or incomplete processed personal data. Protecting our customers' data is our priority. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have queries regarding how we handle your data, this privacy policy, or if you wish to request a filing extract.

What do students say about Write Right?

Our customers share their opinions on us with you and they let you know what they think of us.

Write Right has proven to be immensely beneficial for my son. The process of utilizing the packages is not only straightforward and enjoyable but also enables independent learning, allowing him to grasp the lessons effectively.

  • Parsa


As many parents and children, we also had many issues while learning struggling letters such as b, d, p and q. Write right made everything easier in a short time.

  • Hiva


There have been amazing improvements after using the second and third package in my children's learning process. If you want to raise a bilingual child, the best English learning tool for you is Write Right.

  • Alin


I have a 5 years old which hasn't attended school yet. I wanted her to learn the basics and structures before going to school. Write Right helped me so much to teach her in a fun way that doesn't bore young children.

  • Dilan



We also like to thank our sponsors on this project.

Lohe Mahfooz
Gooyesh Noorafshan
Little Owl Private School
International Calligraphy Center